Meet our trusted experts


Daniele Haynes

Associate, Heritage & Conservation

A heritage consultant with a passion for setting.

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Shirley-Anne Henderson

Shirley-Anne Henderson

Agency and Valuation Coordinator

Shirley is an agency and valuation coordinator at Bidwells.

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Katie Heppell

Katie Heppell

Graduate Energy & Renewables Consultant

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Iain Hill

Partner, Planning

Iain is a planning expert who uses his extensive master planning experience to contribute to the creation of award-winning developments.

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Robin Hill

Partner, Investment and Property Management

Robin is an asset/fund manager with an exceptional breadth of experience in investment management, alternative and mainstream real estate, capital markets, and consulting.

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Nick Hills

Chief Financial Officer

As Chief Financial Officer, Nick’s role is focussed on supporting business performance and managing Bidwells’ finance team.

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Darren Hirst

Partner, Rural

Darren’s role may be niche, but his view is expansive, especially from the deck of a boat on the River Clyde.

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Image of Georgia Hock

Georgia Hock

Group Head of Safety, Wellbeing & Operational Risk

Gemma is our Group Head of Safety, Wellbeing & Operational Risk

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Rob Hopwood

Partner, Planning

Rob’s infectious energy has driven two decades of planning success for promoters, developers and landowners across the Oxford to Cambridge Arc.

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Sarah Hornbrook

Associate, Planning

Sarah uses her keen eye for detail and in-depth approach to ensure she provides clear, well founded planning advice to her clients.

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Valerie Houston

Grid Consultant

Valerie is a grid consultant within Bidwells' energy and climate department.

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Image of Ed Howe

Ed Howe

Head of Operational Living Research

Ed is part of our Operational Living department and heads up operational living research, working alongside Iain Murray.

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Sam Hudson

Sam Hudson

Energy & Renewables Consultant

From retail and leisure to farms, energy and infrastructure, Sam is experienced in a wide range of sectors and various industries.

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Fleur Hughes

Business Development Manager

Aligning herself to the business strategy, Fleur creates and generates leads and opportunities with a warm, personable approach.

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James Human

James Human

GPS Surveyor

James is a GPS surveyor.

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Timothy Hyde

Associate, Architecture

A hard grafter in and out of work, Tim and has both design and practical experience of how buildings are pieced together.

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