
Rural Property Index 2024

04.3.24 Register your interest now

Image of Rural Investment

The Rural sector faces challenges on a number of fronts…but despite the challenges ahead, rural investors can look to emerging opportunities.

Bidwells Rural Property Index is soon to be released and will provide a more detailed analysis of results from our managed investment portfolios.

Look out for a copy!

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At Bidwells we specialise in business space on farms and in rural locations. Click here to complete our Rural Business Space Questionnaire

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Rural Property Index


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By submitting your information, your details will be added to our property marketing database. You can amend this at any time by visiting our Preference Centre.

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Get in touch


Roland Bull

Partner, Head of Rural Investment

Roland oversees rural investment property worth £1bn for the UK’s oldest landowners. He’s also helping shape the country’s newest and most sustainable investment markets.

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Alex Porter

Partner, Rural

A dedicated and driven rural surveyor with a passion for management of rural property portfolios.

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