
Rural Outlook - 2022


Fordham_Wet_Woods_And_Great_Wilbraham_210421 30

Welcome to the 2022 edition of Rural Outlook. This edition concentrates on the opportunities which are available to landowners, with a particular focus on the Environment and Development.

We've brought together market commentary, research and insights from across our Rural, Planning, Residential Development and Commercial teams, keeping landowners and farmers well informed on key topics that matter right now. 

We hope you enjoy it - you can browse individual articles below, or complete a short form to download the full magazine or to request a hard copy.

AGRI - Rural Outlook 24pp brochure 2021 Briefing 17.01.22

As the reports show, we are now in an agricultural transition period. Changes for farmers will be phased in over seven years and over this time, the Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) will be gradually reduced in a tiered system.

We're in an agricultural transition period - what does that mean for UK farmers?

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Image of tracker Reports & Briefings 17.01.22

It has been hard to miss the seemingly constant, upward trajectory of a lot of agricultural commodities within the last 12 months. Let’s look at some of the contributory factors causing this rise.

The wider effect of rising agricultural commodities on the farming industry

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Natural Capital - Rural Outlook 24pp brochure 2021 Report 17.01.22

Both carbon sequestration and biodiversity enhancement are becoming increasingly necessary to reduce emissions and offset environmental impacts generated by development in the UK.

Natural Capital and Green Investment

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Carbon - Rural Outlook 24pp brochure 2021 Reports & Briefings 09.02.22

In 2019, the UK and Scottish Governments made their commitments to net zero, with target dates of 2050 and 2045 respectively. Relatively, both countries are progressing well, with emissions falling faster than in other major developed economies. However, with 326m tonnes of ‘carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e)’ emitted in 2020, there is still a long road ahead.

The reality of the UK’s net zero ambition: the role of carbon capture

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Logistics - Rural Outlook 24pp brochure 2021 Blog 17.01.22

The warehouse and logistics market has bolstered as a result of the pandemic, with close to 50m sq ft of deals completed in the UK throughout 2021.

Land values are rocketing as a result of the thriving logistics and distribution sector

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legacy - Rural Outlook 24pp brochure 2021 Blog 17.01.22

Your site has development potential, but where to start? Two of Bidwells’ development experts answer the typical questions to consider from a landowner’s perspective.

Your site has legacy development potential, but where to start?

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diversify - Rural Outlook 24pp brochure 2021 Blog 17.01.22

There is a full spectrum of diversification projects for you to consider if you wish to enhance your rural property portfolio. But before you embark on this process, here are our top five questions to consider.

Diversifying your estate - top 5 questions to ask yourself before embarking on a new project

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buildings - Rural Outlook 24pp brochure 2021 Blog 17.01.22

Now is an excellent time to review existing uses on your farm or estate and consider opportunities for the future.

Give your redundant buildings a new lease of life

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Fordham_Wet_Woods_And_Great_Wilbraham_210421 33 Blog 17.01.22

The outlook for the rural property market is positive and strong interest and values are welcome after a difficult 18 months.

Rural property market update

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Fordham_Wet_Woods_And_Great_Wilbraham_210421 32 Blog 17.01.22

2021 was a busy time for the residential sector. With Covid restrictions in place at the beginning of the year, the house move process was more onerous, though demand for vacant properties remained strong.

Residential Overview

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Fordham_Wet_Woods_And_Great_Wilbraham_210421 34 Report 14.01.22

Rural property Income return was up marginally over the 12 months, in part as a result of new tenancy arrangements, active management was the primary driver of returns, with alternative uses, and the promotion of strategic land counteracting wider market capital value declines.

Rural Property Index Overview

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Sale - Rural Outlook 24pp brochure 2021 Blog 20.12.21

With farmers and investors’ interests aligning after Brexit and Covid, Bidwells’ Head of Rural Investment, Roland Bull, explains why raising capital from a sale and leaseback on your farm or estate might work for you in 2022.

Why sale and leaseback is making a comeback in farming

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Related Case Studies

Bidwell House 2

Cornbury Estate

Home to one of the few remaining private forests in England, we provide Cornbury with advice on how to effectively and efficiently manage their 5000 acre estate.

Cornbury Park 4

Jockey Club Estates – Professional Advice

For over 100 years, we have worked closely with Jockey Club Estates to effectively advise on its portfolio and management of its assets.

Jockey Club

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Get in touch with our team


Giles Dobson

Partner, Head of Rural

Whether developing an estate strategy or investing time in his team, Giles takes a long-term view to delivering positive change.

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Roland Bull

Partner, Head of Rural Investment

Roland oversees rural investment property worth £1bn for the UK’s oldest landowners. He’s also helping shape the country’s newest and most sustainable investment markets.

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Ian Ashbridge

Head of Agriculture & Environment

Ian combines fundamental technical farming knowledge with wider investment and real estate experience when advising his clients.

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