
The Productivity Engine

10.6.24 2024

Image of Productivity Brain Landscape

In Bidwells’ latest groundbreaking report, The Productivity Engine, we uncover the fundamental role that space plays in understanding - and solving - the UK’s productivity problems.

There are fundamental challenges holding back a generation, limiting our economic potential and impacting our living standards. The housing shortage, exacerbated by restrictive planning and underinvestment, is delaying young adults' independence and sapping disposable income. The rise of hybrid work post-COVID is impacting office use and local businesses. Soaring housing costs are pushing workers further from jobs, lengthening commutes and lowering productivity.

The UK is also failing to fully commercialise its world-class scientific research. Funding gaps, talent shortages, and insufficient government support are hindering the growth of innovative SMEs, particularly outside the Golden Triangle. The economic and social costs of not nurturing homegrown breakthroughs in AI, life sciences, and sustainability are immense.

At the same time, the UK must juggle rising energy demands from booming knowledge industries with urgent decarbonisation goals, necessitating a revamp of aging power infrastructure.

To better understand the complex web of factors influencing productivity, we have developed a framework to interrogate the four key types of space that can help lift the UK’s productivity: Housing, Cities, Innovation, and Power & Infrastructure.

These first order effects, primary drivers of productivity, are often overlooked or underappreciated in the national discourse. There are 'second-order effects' too, the myriad of factors that interact with and influence these primary drivers of productivity. 

These first order effects, primary drivers of productivity, are often overlooked or underappreciated in the national discourse. There are 'second-order effects' too, the myriad of factors that interact with and influence these primary drivers of productivity. 

PE Report


Rather than focusing merely on the well documented productivity problems we face, Alongside Bidwells’ experts, we invited more than 15 leading thinkers from real estate, academia, renewable energy, Forestry, operational living, and science & technology,  to put forward their own personal solutions to how we might make an impact on solving the Uk's living standards crisis.
Solving the UK's housing shortage, finding new ways to power infrastructure, better understanding new working patterns and improving the lives of young renters, should not just be a top economic priority for the next government - it should drive all of us.
Nick Pettit - Senior Partner

Contributors to The Productivity Engine include:

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Report Articles

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Productivity Engine: Preface from Bidwells’ Senior Partner Nick Pettit

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Saying Yes to more housing and higher productivity

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It’s well-documented that productivity is flatlining across the UK.

Place, Planning, Productivity

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Putting Cambridge in the Productivity Premier League

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The Right Home, in the Right Place, at the Right Time

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The creation of any ready-to-use product from Research & Development (R&D) needs to consider the ‘five Ps’ of Good Manufacturing Process (GMP): 1. a clear Product, 2. skilled People, 3. clear Processes, 4. correct Procedures, and 5. clean, safe and appropriate Premises.

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Innovating in construction: A work in progress

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The United Kingdom, once celebrated for its industrial prowess and ingenuity, now confronts a dire economic reality marked by a persistent productivity crisis.

Real estate can drive productivity by supporting regional centres of excellence

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Our starting point when thinking about how AI is going to impact productivity across the real estate sector must be to understand what it is that we are dealing with.

The Impact of AI on the UK Real Estate Sector’s Productivity

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David Leslie, who leads one of Britain’s most innovative timber companies, shares his insights on how investment in people, technology, and sustainable practices can help the UK timber industry thrive and drive productivity in forestry and construction.

Planting the seeds of productivity in the UK Timber industry

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The quiet hum of a highly productive economy

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The UK has a productivity problem. One overlooked solution lies in the forestry sector. A strategic approach to increasing our domestic timber production and use could not only help decarbonize the construction sector but also provide a significant productivity boost to the UK.

The role of forestry and timber in a modern, green society

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Making more efficient use of Britain’s most finite resource—land—is our best chance to enhance the country’s sluggish productivity. It’s as simple as that.

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Commercialising Science

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Just the title of this report, The Productivity Engine, reminds us of breakthrough technologies and the immense potential for renewable electricity to power our future.

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Download this report to read both part one & two of 'The Productivity Paradox'

The Productivity Paradox

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England suffers from a shortage of housing.

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Our Research experts

Sue Foxley

Sue Foxley

Research Director

Sue leads a dynamic programme of research at Bidwells. Working with her colleague Mark Callender, she is particularly focused on the real estate implications of the science and technology sector.

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Mark Callender - higher res

Mark Callendar

Research Partner

Mark was appointed as research partner to focus on high-growth sectors, including renewable energy, science and technology, and natural capital markets.

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