
Offices & Labs Databook Presentation

12 Sep 2023 11.00pm

Bidwells bitesize online presentation provided an update on the Offices and Labs Market across Oxford & Cambridge.

Sep 2023
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2023 has undoubtedly been challenging on the economic front, with inflation driving up finance costs and bond yields with the inevitable knock on implications for the property market.

Despite the uncertainty, the Oxford and Cambridge office and laboratory clusters have seen science and technology companies continue to commit to new space. Knowledge industries were responsible for 93% of lettings in Oxford, and 85% in Cambridge and prime rents have continued to increase.

Our expert speakers updated us about Bidwells latest research on occupier themes, requirements, venture capital, key Bidwells transactions in H1 and the Oxford-Cambridge supercluster board.

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Get in touch with our speakers

Saul Western, Head of Commercial

Saul Western, Head of Commercial

Saul Western, Head of Commercial
Sue Foxley, Research Director

Sue Foxley, Research Director

Sue Foxley, Research Director
Max Bryan, Head of Science & Technology

Max Bryan, Head of Science & Technology

Max Bryan, Head of Science & Technology
Rob Beatson, Partner, Business Space Agency

Rob Beatson, Partner, Business Space Agency

Rob Beatson, Partner, Business Space Agency
Matt Allen, Director Business Development & Marketing

Matt Allen, Director Business Development & Marketing

Matt Allen, Director Business Development & Marketing



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