
Northamptonshire Local Plan Watch - Autumn 2022

25.4.22 2 MINUTE READ

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Both West Northamptonshire and North Northamptonshire continue to map out the intended timescales for the preparation of new Strategic Local Plans that will eventually replace the adopted two Joint Core Strategies that cover The Rose of the Shires.

West Northamptonshire’s undertook its Spatial Strategy Options and Call for Sites consultation at the end of 2021. North Northamptonshire were not far behind with its Call for Sites in Early 2022 followed by a Scope and Issues consultation in Spring 2022.

West Northamptonshire have now pushed back its timetable for preparation of the Strategic Plan, with publication of a Draft Plan (Regulation 18) for consultation now due in December 2022. North Northamptonshire’s timetable suggest that it is still looking to squeeze in an Options consultations (Regulation 18) in November 2022, followed by its Draft Plan (Regulation 18) for consultation in June 2023.

As time goes on, both West Northamptonshire and North Northamptonshire’s timetable for the Strategic Plans appear likely to become more aligned, which makes sense from a strategic plan-making point of view as issues relating to housing, employment and infrastructure are County-wide and a degree of joint working between the Authorities would help facilitate positive and pro-active plan-making.

The East Northamptonshire Local Plan Part 2 element of North Northamptonshire continues to move forward with a Main Modifications on the horizon to address matters of soundness, with adoption of the Plan now likely to fall into next year.

Key challenges facing both Authorities across the County will be unlocking the delivery of housing and employment development, whilst managing potential issues relating to infrastructure, market absorption and saturation of growth, particularly where it might impact on the rate of housing delivery in areas of high concentration of growth.

Five Year Land Supply

Both West Northamptonshire and North Northamptonshire appear to be able to currently demonstrate stable five-year housing land supply positions, with no clear and obvious route to the tilted balance under the presumption in favour of sustainable of development at the present time. Both Authorities, however, will not want to rest on their laurels, as there will likely be increasing short-term housing land supply pressures without timely progression of both committed allocations in adopted Plans and the identification of additional growth as part of the new Strategic Plans, which could possibly drive a continuation of speculative applications in some parts of the County.


For detail on emerging Local Plan position in Northamptonshire please click on the map below.

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Robert Love

Associate, Planning

With nearly a decade of experience, Robert consistently delivers insightful planning strategies for clients through the planning and development process.

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