
Cambridge Residential Rental Market Report Spring 2023

23.5.23 3 MINUTE READ


The UK economic outlook is brighter than previously expected, with only a small contraction in growth of 0.2% expected this year.

Despite earlier concerns over the global banking system and the unexpected rise in inflation, inflation is now forecast to halve by the end of the year, and the base rate to peak at 4.50% by mid-2023. Meanwhile the cumulative effect of past interest rate hikes and rising costs are having an impact on the housing market.

The Cambridge rental market was relatively quiet with fewer people moving in Q1. Yet there is a level of demand for homes that may be restricted by the lack of stock.

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Alex Bloxham

Alex Bloxham

Partner, Head of Residential Lettings

Alex and his team have more than doubled their portfolio of properties under letting and management over the last five years.

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